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EPure Membranous Jelly Masque
Dikembangkan oleh Moy terkenal Dr.Yulong dari Amerika Syarikat, Masque Jeli ePure membran adalah facial mask yang pertama seumpamanya dengan ACF (Faktor Selular Aktif), yang diformulasi untuk penghidratan hebat, meningkatkan kelembapan kulit sebanyak 30% -50%. Ia berfungsi untuk memulihkan dan mengimbangi kulit dengan menghapuskan kekotoran seperti bintik hitam / whiteheads berkesan dengan serta-merta. Ia juga menghalang sintesis melanin, yang mencerahkan pigmentasi, baki tona kulit tidak sekata dan meninggalkan kulit anda cerah dan lembut dengan kecerahan segar berembun
Berkesan dalam Masa 40 minit :-
• kulit Yang lebih cerah
• Kulit yang sekata
• membaiki pori-pori terbuka
• Menegangkan kulit pipi
• Mengurangkan Kedutan
• mengurangkan jerawat dan Bintik Merah
• Mengurangkan bintik-bintik hitam
Usage instructions for optimal results:
1. For the first month of using ePure, use 3 times a week. After the first month of using ePure, you can cut down on the frequency to once OR twice a week depending on the results that you are after.
2. Apply a whole sachet per usage. One box of ePure contains 6 sachets. So, 2 boxes of ePure is enough for one month usage.
3. Apply a thickness of 0.5cm of ePure mask onto skin for best results.
4. Mask can be applied to eye area to lighten dark eye circles.
For those with acne prone skin, your skin will feel less oily the next day after only 1 application.
Meawhile, for those who apply make-up everyday, your make-up will tend to last longer after using ePure.
For mature skin, you can see a reduction of fine lines after the 2nd application and your skin will become firmer plus more elastic.
Frequent users of ePure do not need to go for facials as ePure provides the same benefits.
In short, this mask is an all-benefit-in-one mask that is suitable for all skin types, even for sensitive skin, 8 years old to 80 years old, male or female, can solve all skin's problems except deep scars.
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